Co-founder and CEO at Cube
About Query Interfaces for OLAP Systems
AI Data Analyst
The Evolution of OLAP
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Cube raises $25 million
The Need for an Open Standard for the Semantic Layer
Getting Started with a Databricks Semantic Layer
Getting Started with a Snowflake Semantic Layer
Upgrade your data stack today
Semantic Layer: The Backbone of AI-powered Data Experiences
The Modern Data Stack for Embedded Analytics
Semantic Layer: Across the Data-Verse
Cube Core v0.33 — Data Modeling Update
What is Headless BI?
Introducing YAML Data Modeling in Cube
Introducing Views for metrics management
Headless BI with streaming data
Cube.js is now Cube

Announcing expanded BI support with our SQL API
Cube’s Open Source Data Modeling Language

Introducing the Cube GraphQL API: Building GraphQL Endpoints for Metrics

Introducing the Cube SQL API: Building Metrics Stores with Cube

Announcing Cube Cloud: Managed hosting of Cube applications

Our Series A
Cube Dev raises $6.2M to accelerate Cube development

Material UI Dashboard with React
Introducing a Drill Down Table API in Cube

Building an Open Source Web Analytics Platform

D3 Dashboard Tutorial

Real-Time Dashboard with Open-Source Tools

React Dashboard: an Ultimate Guide

Chart.js Example with Dynamic Dataset
Design Decisions for the First Embedded Analytics Open-Source Framework
React Visualization Libraries in 2019
Optimize Cube Performance with Pre-Aggregations
Cube, the Open Source Dashboard Framework: Ultimate Guide
React Query Builder with Cube
Node Express Analytics Dashboard with Cube
Building an Open Source Mixpanel Alternative. Part 2: Conversion Funnels
Building an Open Source Mixpanel Alternative. Part 1: Collecting and Displaying Events
Adding an E-Commerce Admin Dashboard to Saleor